15 research outputs found

    Modeling a complex production line using virtual cells

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    This chapter presents modeling and simulation of a complex multistage multiproduct production line with four closed loop networks configuration, which also act as a virtual cell. This allows for a greater understanding of the functions within the production line through the simplification of the production flow with the addition of buffers between the cells. Virtual cells are crucial in this instance due to the dynamic configuration, which could help production system designers in optimizing the complex configuration of production

    Noncovalent Functionalization and Charge Transfer in Antimonene

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    Antimonene, a novel group 15 two-dimensional material, is functionalized with a tailormade perylene bisimide through strong van der Waals interactions. The functionalization process leads to a significant quenching of the perylene fluorescence, and surpasses that observed for either graphene or black phosphorus, thus allowing straightforward characterization of the flakes by scanning Raman microscopy. Furthermore, scanning photoelectron microscopy studies and theoretical calculations reveal a remarkable charge-transfer behavior, being twice that of black phosphorus. Moreover, the excellent stability under environmental conditions of pristine antimonene has been tackled, thus pointing towards the spontaneous formation of a sub-nanometric oxide passivation layer. DFT calculations revealed that the noncovalent functionalization of antimonene results in a charge-transfer band gap of 1.1 eVWe thank the ESCA microscopy beamline team at Elettra for technical assistance with the scanning X‐ray photoelectron microscopy measurements. The research leading to these results has received partial funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 604391 Graphene Flagship. We thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG‐SFB 953 “Synthetic Carbon Allotropes”, Projects A1 and C2), the Interdisciplinary Center for Molecular Materials (ICMM), and the Graduate School Molecular Science (GSMS) for financial support. We thank the MINECO (Spain) for financial support through the “María de Maeztu” Programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (MDM‐2014‐0377) and the projects: MAT2016‐77608‐C3‐1P and 3P, as well as MAT2014‐52477‐C5‐5 and MAT2015‐66888‐C3‐3‐R. Co‐funding from UE is also acknowledged. G.A. thanks the EU for a Marie Curie Fellowship (FP7/2013‐IEF‐627386), and the FAU for the Emerging Talents Initiative (ETI) grant #WS16‐17_Nat_0

    A proposal for teacher European Higher Education Area (EHEA): how to teach from interdisciplinarity. The power in the modern age (I)

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    En el nuevo contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, se presentan los resultados obtenidos por los diez profesores responsables de un Proyecto de Innovación Docente auspiciado por la Universidad de Córdoba en los cursos 2007-2009. Concebido básicamente como una reflexión sobre el propio quehacer del docente, aquél se planteó cómo explicar el poder en la época Moderna desde distintas disciplinas y, sobre todo, cómo el alumnado, variado por cursos y nivel de formación, trabajó y valoró la propuesta. Metodología eminentemente práctica y apoyo en las nuevas tecnologías han permitido agilizar el estudio y considerar muy positiva la experiencia obtenida.In the new context of European Higher Education Area, we present the results obtained by the ten teachers responsible for a Teaching Innovation Project sponsored by the University of Córdoba in the courses from 2007 to 2009. Designed primarily as a reflection on the teacher's own work, one asked how to explain the power in modern times from different disciplines and, above all, how the students, courses and varied by level of education, worked and appreciated the proposal. Very practical methodology and support new technologies have allowed expedite the study and considered very positive experience

    Exfoliation of Alpha-Germanium: A Covalent Diamond-Like Structure

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    2D materials have opened a new field in materials science with outstanding scientific and technological impact. A largely explored route for the preparation of 2D materials is the exfoliation of layered crystals with weak forces between their layers. However, its application to covalent crystals remains elusive. Herein, a further step is taken by introducing the exfoliation of germanium, a narrow-bandgap semiconductor presenting a 3D diamond-like structure with strong covalent bonds. Pure α-germanium is exfoliated following a simple one-step procedure assisted by wet ball-milling, allowing gram-scale fabrication of high-quality layers with large lateral dimensions and nanometer thicknesses. The generated flakes are thoroughly characterized by different techniques, giving evidence that the new 2D material exhibits bandgaps that depend on both the crystallographic direction and the number of layers. Besides potential technological applications, this work is also of interest for the search of 2D materials with new properties

    Evaluation and optimization of sustainable parameters during machining

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    In this work a study was done in order to develop a new methodology so that better sustainability global conditions during machining operations are achieved.This innovative methodology involves the creation of a new “sustainability index” which collects several parameters related in some way to sustainability. Tests will be carried out in a CNC lathe where these parameters will be analyzed to validate this methodology. Three different samples from three different manufacturers and with three different compositions from the same grade of material, the stainless steel AISI303, will be evaluated.status: publishe

    Parámetros para evaluar el "retorno social" de la financiación pública de la I+D+i

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    This communication tries to contribute in the reflection on the efficiency of the policies that, with public funds, they stimulate and finance (whole or partially) activities based on the R&D&I. From a perspective that prioritizes the social effects on the economic ones, it is necessary to proceed to the analysis and sectorial identification of measures and actions that allow to determine if there exists Social Return of the Public Investment in R&D&I (in forward RESIPIDi). For it, there have been identified those factors that can be considered to be positive or negative effects of the public investment in R&D&I. More importantly than the final product, our interest is put in the process of strengthening of the benefits that are contributed to the civil society in the application of the above mentioned policies.Esta comunicación pretende contribuir en la reflexión sobre la efectividad de la políticas que, con fondos públicos, incentivan y financian (total o parcialmente) actividades basadas en la I+D+i. Desde una perspectiva que priorice los efectos sociales sobre los económicos, es necesario proceder al análisis e identificación sectorial de medidas y acciones que permitan determinar si existe Retorno Social de la Inversión Pública en I+D+i (en adelante RESIPIDi). Para ello, se han identificado aquellos factores que pueden considerarse efectos positivos o negativos de la inversión pública en I+D+i. Más importante que el producto final, nuestro interés está puesto en el proceso de fortalecimiento de los beneficios que se aporten a la sociedad civil en la aplicación de dichas políticas

    A proposal for teacher european higher education arca (EHEA). How to teach from interdisciplinarity. Thc power in the modem

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    En el nuevo contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, se presentan los resultados obtenidos por los diez profesores responsables de un Proyecto de Innovación Docente auspiciado por la Universidad de Córdoba en los cursos 2007-2009. Concebido básIn the new context of the European Higher Education Area, we present the results obtained by ten teachers incharge of a Teaching Innovation Project sponsored by the University of Córdoba in the courses 2007 - 2009. The study, designed primarily as a refl


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    Este artículo tiene una segunda parte aún no publicadaSe presenta una propuesta docente para el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) 'Cómo enseñar desde la interdisciplinariedad'. Se lleva a cabo por un grupo docente interuniversitario de diez profesores, respaldado por la Universidad de Córdoba, durante los cursos académicos 2007-2008 y 2008-2009. Se reflexiona sobre cómo impartir la asignatura 'Poder en la época moderna' desde la interdisciplinariedad y la transversalidad, así como la valoración del alumnado sobre esta nueva propuesta docente.AndalucíaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    Manejo de la enfermedad de Parkinson y otros trastornos del movimiento en mujeres en edad fértil: Parte 1.

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    Introducción El manejo de la enfermedad de Parkinson en la mujer en edad fértil nos plantea como principal reto el manejo de la enfermedad y los fármacos durante el embarazo y lactancia. El aumento de la edad gestacional de la mujer hace más probable que la incidencia de embarazos pueda incrementarse. Objetivo Definir las características clínicas y los factores que condicionan la vida de la mujer en edad fértil con enfermedad de Parkinson y definir una guía de actuación y manejo del embarazo en estas pacientes. Resultados Este documento de consenso se ha realizado mediante una búsqueda bibliográfica exhaustiva y discusión de los contenidos realizados por un grupo de expertos en trastornos del movimiento de la Sociedad Española de Neurología. Conclusiones La enfermedad de Parkinson afecta a todos los aspectos relacionados con la salud sexual y reproductiva de la mujer en edad fértil. Se debe planificar el embarazo en las mujeres con enfermedad de Parkinson para minimizar los riesgos teratogénicos sobre el feto. Se recomienda un abordaje multidisciplinar de estas pacientes para tener en cuenta todos los aspectos implicados